Meditation Class Feb 28th / 8:30-9:30 AM

Meditation Class Feb 28th / 8:30-9:30 AM


Gather, Share & Calm Your Busy Mind


Meditation is the perfect way to start your day feeling grounded and with purpose. Its also a way to check in with yourself and notice what is showing up at the top of your to do list. Sometimes we are so busy with our many tasks that we forget to pay attention to our more basic needs. Mindfulness meditation, also referred to as a science of the mind, is a way to work with your mind to understand your habits, patterns and tendencies. This can help you find clarity and space in your mind, in your life and in your schedule. 

Join Gala Narezo for meditation, relaxation and time to share your thoughts and concerns about work, parenting, your creative process or every day life. We will start with a 15 minute overview about breath based meditation followed by 20 minutes of guided meditation and ending with 25 minutes for questions and dialogue. No experience necessary. Tea will be served afterwards.

Wear something comfortable to sit in if possible. There will be cushions and chairs but feel free to bring your own blocks or props if you have them.

price $10 per class 

Email Gala if you think you have any questions

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